A total ofninepostgraduate studentsmajoring inNanobiotechnologyandFundamental and Systemic Ecologyparticipated in an online graduation defense organized by the Department of BiologyonJune 10th, Beijing time.

Due to the pandemic, the defense is held on the video conferencing platform Zoom. The members of the defense committee consist of 12 people including a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.A total of25 experts and professors from Moscow State University,together withnine external reviewers, vice rector of Moscow State University as well as SMBU faculty and staff also attendedtheevent.Meanwhile,SMBUfreshman students majoring inBiologywerealsoinvited toauditthe online defense.

The graduating students are facing unexpected difficulties than their predecessors during the pandemic. Therefore,the University takes noticeof the above situationandadoptsvarious methodsto facilitate communication between students and their mentors.Despite of the disadvantaged situation, allof the ninestudentsmanaged tofulfill the requirements andpass the defense.
All the courses of SMBU in the spring semester of 2020are beingtaught online. Teachers and students, whoare not able to return to the campus because of the COVID-19 pandemic, are connected by theInternet andareworkingtogether to minimize the impact of the pandemic on academic activities. Moreover, in this way, a set ofsophisticatedandreliableonlineteachingsystemcould beestablished, providing more possibilities for introducing high-quality teaching resources in the future.